The Morning Routine: Don’t Make it Chaotic


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The morning routine can be chaotic. Putting everything together and getting your children out the door in a punctual manner is an exhausting, sometimes overwhelming chore. Odds are you’ve got a lot to do and very little time to do it. Why stress every morning in a repeatable routine of chaos? If you make the proper preparations the night before, you’re more likely to execute a smooth morning routine that you can implement daily, ensuring less-stress and punctuality for all. Here are some good tips and ideas to help your morning run smoothly.

1. Shower the Night Before

Take a shower and blow dry your hair the night before. This will be a great way to relax and you can cut a lot of time out of your morning’s strict schedule.

2. Prepare Breakfast the Night Before

It’s not hard to prepare a healthy breakfast for your family the night before. Hard boil some eggs and pair them in the morning with some fresh toast. You could also prepare some pancakes the night before and warm them up in the microwave.

3. Get a Head Start on Lunches

Make all the lunches the night before. You can refrigerate the lunches and have them ready-to-go.

4. Keep an Eye on the Weather

Watch the weather the night before. This ensures you’ve got the right attire and travel-time in mind.

5. Prepare the Attire and Supplies

Make sure your kids all know what to wear the following morning. It may help to lay out the clothes with their ready-to-go book bags. It’s as simple as plug and play.

6. Ensure Everyone Gets Plenty of Sleep

Make sure that everybody gets at least eight hours of sleep. Well-rested children will be much easier to handle in the morning.


Source: Learning Disabilities, Working Moms

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