Kid-Friendly Cooking


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Sometimes, kids get hungry even when mom and dad are too busy to make them a snack. If they are old enough, encouraging them to prepare their own healthy and nutritious snacks and sides can foster a love of cooking that will last a lifetime. We’ve compiled four simple kid-friendly and parent-approved recipes to get you started.


Granola Cereal

Instead of the basic and often unhealthy cereal brands, you can have your child try this easy to make snack. First, let them choose a variety of nuts, dried fruits and coconut, and nutritious seeds for the granola. They can then sprinkle their custom granola over plain yogurt and fresh fruits, maybe drizzled with a little honey. Mom or Dad can cut up the fruits ahead of time and store them in a Ziploc bag to avoid the need for cutting.


Easy Broccoli and Cheese

Broccoli is a very kid-friendly because it cooks so quickly in the microwave. Simple pull off a few florets and place them in a microwavable bowl with 1-2 teaspoons of water. Cover and cook for 1-2 minutes and check for doneness. Add a bit of shredded cheddar cheese, and your child will be eating their own healthy snack in no time. Again, vegetables can be cut ahead of time by parents to make this option even more child friendly.


Ants on a Log

Ants on a log is great because it provides fresh vegetables along with a satisfying crunch. This is a great replacement for potato chips or other crunchy and fattening snacks. Take a celery stick, fill it with peanut butter, and add craisins or raisins. This is a classic recipe, but you can spruce it up by getting creative with the toppings. For instance, flax seeds, peanuts, almonds, and other nuts are a great source of protein that you can easily add to this snack.


Peanut Butter and Raspberry Sandwich

This is a twist on the traditional peanut butter classic. The raspberries add some natural antioxidants and reduce the amount of sugar that are found in some jellies and jams. To make this sandwich, simply spread peanut butter onto some whole grain bread and top it with fresh raspberries. To make it a little sweeter, you can add organic honey. Frozen raspberries work just as well, and of course strawberries and blueberries are just as delicious.


These four snack foods are just a start, and of course you


  1. kenyarda kirkwood says:

    My kids don’t eat meat can you plans meals without meat.

    • sstabenow says:

      At this time, we do not have a vegetarian plan. We do however, have modifications included with each recipe giving you suggestions on alternatives to the meat.

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