
Holiday Party Central

Whether you’re planning to host an elaborate party this holiday season, or you need something to contribute to the office Thanksgiving party. This is the time to start looking for easy, delicious, and beautiful appetizers and desserts. And don’t forget to have a couple of hostess gifts on hand.

Happy Halloweening!

Yay! Halloween! Bring on the fun, the costumes, the sweets, and the eats! This is hands down my favorite holiday. And a great excuse to throw a party.

Every year our family hosts a ‘Pre-Trick or Treat’ Party. We invite family, friends, and neighbors for a sweet-free, pre-candy meal.

In Season: Apples

Fall is coming! Cool weather, changing leaves, and comforting warm dishes!

Fall also marks the beginning of apple season (some varieties even began in August) And while apples have been on the grocers’ shelves all year, this is the time to take advantage of their freshness. It’s also when the unique varieties come out.

Keep Guacamole Green!

Guacamole is considered a delicacy in our house. Elbows are thrown and arguments break out about sharing and hogging – creating such sweet family moments. So it probably goes without saying that rarely, if ever, does our family have a drop of guacamole left to save.

Summer Cocktail Party!

What’s a summer party without a signature drink? But shaking and stirring is no fun when there are friends to enjoy and appetizers to munch on.

So, take a look at these fun Pitcher Drinks.

Eat your Vegetables!

So if your kids are anything like mine, you’ve experienced periods of time when all they would eat was ‘white’ food….chicken, rice, pasta, and cheerios.

As a mom I know they need to eat better than that.

In Season: Zucchini

Zucchini or “Summer Squash” burst onto the Farmers Market shelves in May and is still in great abundance. And if you planted a garden that includes zucchini, you’ve probably discovered that it is one fast growing vegetable. The great thing is zucchini is a very versatile vegetable (say that three times!).

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